
Lehigh mourns the passing of John M. Thalheimer ’55

Geoffrey Andrews ’15 now models rocket engines at Purdue while working for NASA.

Ann Lewnes ’83 is featured lecturer for the Donald M. Gruhn ’49 Distinguished Finance Speaker Series.

Rosenstein spoke to more than 250 students, alumni, faculty, and staff members as part of Lehigh's Speaker Series on Ethics.

Marketing grad showed a flair for cooking as an undergraduate. 

Cathy Engelbert ’86 moves up six places, to No. 15.

A Very Special Alumni Weekend

Sedale Threatt Jr. ’08 says he feels fortunate to have role in historical production.

Entrepreneur Sanjay Shah ’89G has a passion for technology and solving problems.

'Think Like a Freak' keynote was part of Lehigh’s Alumni Weekend and Sesquicentennial Close Celebration.