
Pasi Sahlberg delivers the College of Education’s inaugural John Stoops lecture.

Thursday’s 'Slacktivism' event kicks off a slate of programs aimed at motivating people to action in post-Civil Rights era.

Wide-ranging survey is first campus-wide climate survey in nearly a decade.

At Founder’s Day, university leadership announces an investment of $250 million to shape Lehigh’s future.

Campus Square renamed in honor of former Lehigh president, Greg Farrington, and his wife, Jean.

Student volunteers plant 2,977 flags to represent each life lost in the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Members of the Class of 2019 get a warm reception as they arrive on campus. 

Lehigh@150 will feature a weekend of festivities to celebrate the past, present and future of Lehigh.  

Teams of Lehigh education leadership students propose innovative schools to promote learning. 

Professor Murray Itzkowitz discusses his second Mountaintop mentorship experience.