Creative Thinking, Common Purpose

In her inaugural remarks, Lehigh President Alice P. Gast spoke of how America and the world are increasingly turning to universities for answers, and for hope, in meeting the challenges that face us.
There are many ways that Lehigh can contribute its excellence to respond to today's challenges, Gast said. There are many ways we can apply our creative thinking to a common purpose.
On the following pages, you'll meet 10 members of the Lehigh family, selected by the editors of the Lehigh Alumni Bulletin, who embody the ideals of the inaugural theme: Creative Thinking, Common Purpose. Of course, there are many, many more we could have featured, but unfortunately, we don't have space to tell all of their stories.
However, we're confident that these 10 represent the creativity, dedication, and service for which Lehigh, at its best, stands.
Bill Amelio '79, CEO of Lenovo: To whom much is given, much is expected
Lee Kern, Iacocca Professor of Special Education: Exploring drug-free treatments for ADHD
Lee Blaney '05, '07G, doctoral student: 'Simple dude' tackles complex problem
Alessandra Intili '06: One person at a time
Norman Girardot, Professor of Comparative Religions: 'Re-creating the human community'
Dr. Akudo Anyanwu Ikemba '97: A wake-up call for Africa and the world
Phil Clauser, Director of Administration, College of Arts and Sciences: A legacy of caring
Kristen Jellison, Assistant Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering: Research that matters in people's lives
Todd Watkins, Associate Professor of Economics: A commitment to innovation
Carolina Hernandez, Community Service Coordinator: Making a difference in Bethlehem and beyond
Lehigh Alumni Bulletin
Inauguration 2007