
Ricardo Viera's persistence brings to Lehigh the first private collection of Cuban art displayed in America since 1959. 

The event will bring together roughly 100 study abroad administrators and engineering educators to discuss best practices in international experiences.

An alum and his wife help set the standard for education in a country once torn by genocide.

A student project encourages constructive discussions. 

Lehigh joins UN partners to advocate for women and girls in science.

David Morency ’18 will earn a master’s in global affairs in China as part of the program.

Lehigh’s Global Union hosts an array of events in celebration of the university’s diverse student population.

The oldest object in LUAG’s Chinese Ceramics Collection dates is 3,300 to 4,200 years old.

Alumni and students are engaging with the world and determined to make a difference. 

Over winter break 2018, 16 seniors from the College of Business and Economics traveled to Vietnam and Singapore as part of Lehigh’s Global Initiative.