
Her visit on March 20 kicks off a series of events devoted to “Music of the Mind.”

The Rev. Sharon Washington Risher addresses the process of forgiveness in MLK talk.

Geoffrey Andrews ’15 now models rocket engines at Purdue while working for NASA.

If we rename our epoch, will it prod us to acknowledge our impact on the planet?

Successful peacemaking between longstanding adversaries, a new book argues, is almost always imposed by states from the top down and then sustained by societies.

Seismologist is honored for leading community-driven and guided Earth science initiatives.

Researchers use OS and hardware level factors to ‘fingerprint’ 99.24 percent of users.

A novel test facility sheds light on the hydrodynamic instabilities that limit the efficiency of the fusion reactor.

String theory, says Sera Cremonini, links Einstein and quantum mechanics, and the Big Bang with black holes.

Proposed COE pilot study would examine whether virtual reality can enhance students’ writing fluency.