Campus event highlights: Oct. 2 to Oct. 11, 2009

(All events are free unless otherwise noted.)

Friday, Oct. 2: Feel Good Fridays

Thursday, Oct. 8: Physics Department Colloquium featuring Prof. James Gilchrist

Thursday, Oct. 8: Donald M. Gruhn ’49 Distinguished Finance Speaker Series featuring Barry Rosenstein ’81

Thursday and Friday, Oct. 8-9: Northeast Regional CIES Conference

Friday, Oct. 9: Percy Hughes Award Ceremony and Receptio


Friday, Oct. 2: Feel Good Fridays

On selected Fridays throughout the semester, the Community Service Office holds Feel Good Fridays with activities ranging from helping out at the Boys and Girls Club, to stocking food pantries, to stuffing envelopes. Contact the Community Service Office for more information and to sign up.

Thursday, Oct. 8: Physics Department Colloquium featuring Prof. James Gilchrist

Gilchrist, the P.C. Rossin Assistant Professor of chemical engineering, will give an address titled Particle Migration and Self-Organization in Simple and Chaotic Flows. Gilchrist is the director of Lehigh’s Laboratory for Particle Mixing and Self-Organization. His research has applications in optical technologies, bio-micro-electromechanical systems (BioMEMS) and energy, especially the efficiency of LED lighting.

The event begins at 4:10 p.m. in Room 316 of Lewis Lab.

Thursday, Oct. 8: Donald M. Gruhn ’49 Distinguished Finance Speaker Series featuring Barry Rosenstein ’81

For this College of Business and Economics event, Lehigh welcomes back Barry Rosenstein ’81, founder and managing partner of JANA Partners, LLC. Rosenstein is recognized as a pioneer in the field of shareholder activism and has built a reputation as a leading voice in the financial and banking community. His address is titled From Lehigh to Corporate Activism.

The event will begin at 4:10 p.m. in Baker Hall in the Zoellner Arts Center.

Thursday and Friday, Oct. 8-9: Northeast Regional CIES Conference

Titled Beyond Aid: Rethinking Approaches to International Development in Education, this conference brings leading thinkers in international education to Lehigh to talk about whether billions of dollars given for educational aid have contributed to educational improvement and equity around the world. Growing skepticism regarding the effectiveness of international aid has prompted government agencies and international organizations to reexamine the distribution of aid. At the same time, the emergence of entrepreneurial philanthropists and celebrity donors, along with market-driven approaches to international development, has begun to alter the international aid landscape.

The event will take place in Packard Auditorium. Event and registration information is available at the College of Education’s website.

Oct. 9: Percy Hughes Award Ceremony and Reception

The launch of this unversity-wide award honors individuals who work towards implementing transformative ideas with grace, tenacity and devotion.

The event begins at 7 p.m. in the Asa Packer Dining Hall. For more information, visit the Percy Hughes website.