LUPD ceremony honors officers and everyday heroes

Each year, the Lehigh University Police Department closes out the academic year with a ceremony that honors the top-line accomplishments of the members of its 34-person force and recognizes the Officer of the Year for extraordinary performance.
This year’s honoree for the highest award granted by the department is Officer Mark Schaller, who was described by LUPD Chief Ed Shupp as a dedicated, highly productive role model and mentor who uses his extensive knowledge of the department’s policies and procedures to help maintain a safe and healthy campus.
Schaller, a five-year veteran of the force, was honored alongside several other members of the department (see full listing below) for their diligence and dedication in a mid-day ceremony held on Franz Plaza. Vice Provost of Student Affairs John Smeaton also recognized the entire force for its role in not only protecting and serving the university, but educating the members of its community as well.
Like so many others at Lehigh, LUPD officers “help our students navigate their challenging journey, with all its ups and downs. And they do this 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 52 weeks a year,” Smeaton said.
Shupp opened the ceremony by asking for a moment of silence and thoughtful remembrance for Sean Collier, the M.I.T. police officer who lost his life in the line of duty after he was shot by the Boston Marathon bombing suspects last month.
“He was one of many heroes who died during that horrific time,” Shupp said, before noting the positive impact of a “strong partnership between law enforcement and engaged, responsible citizens.”
Officers singled out for exceptional performance included several who helped students escape an off-campus home that caught fire and officers who thwarted would-be burglars, including one wielding a machete.
For the first time, the annual ceremony included the recognition of two members of the Lehigh community who stepped in to help apprehend criminals: Jonathan Glick ’14 and Kirk Williams.
Glick, a psychology major,, called in the LUPD last November when he witnessed two men damaging five vehicles in his neighborhood. He monitored the situation until officers arrived and helped identify them.
Last July, Williams, an HVAC technician in Facilities Services, witnessed an individual committing a lewd act in a public area populated by children. Williams immediately contacted the LUPD, kept the suspect in view and identified the man, who subsequently admitted to performing the act.
“These awards are special because we recognize not only our officers, but also the citizens of our community who made the decision to get involved and who, by doing so, made a difference,” Shupp said.
In closing the ceremony, Shupp expressed his pride in his force, which recently earned reaccreditation (one of only five in the state to do so) and welcomed former Bethlehem Police Chief Stu Bedics in the newly created role of assistant chief.

“In my 30-plus years at Lehigh, I’ve seen this department transform from a good one into a truly great one,” Shupp said. “I thank you for all your hard work and dedication.”


LUPD Honors and Awards 2013

Officer of the Year
Mark Schaller
Staff Member of the Year
Christina Delgado
Police Letters of Commendation
Matthew Hyman
Mark Ferencin
Joshua Milisits
John Torres
Greg Nolf
Mark Schaller
Jeffrey Reinhard
Civilian Awards
Jonathan Glick ‘14
Kirk Williams
Unit Citation
Investigations Unit (under the supervision of Sgt. Chris Houtz)
Community Service Award
John Torres (Shop with a Cop program)
Spot Bonus Award
Lt. Richard McGarr
Tradition of Excellence Awards
Lt. Richard McGarr
Sgt. Brian Kelly
Sgt. Eric Smith
Off. Robert Hriczko
SG. Allen Quier
SG. Jeffrey Reinhard
SG. Edmund Lamontagne
Dispatcher Christina Deldago
Coordinator Elizabeth Coleman
Service Award – Ten Years of Service:
Kevin 0’Hay
Educational Achievements:
Chris Houtz
Jim Christman
Richard McGarr
Josh Milisits
Eric Smith
John Torres
Robert Hriczko

Diano Reavis