Nominations period opens for university awards

Each year, Lehigh honors a select group of talented and dedicated individuals, who receive staff and faculty awards in recognition of their contributions to the university, their dedication and their excellence. The nominations period for this academic year’s awards program has begun, and will run through Wednesday, Feb. 16, 2011.

Awards are grouped by the nominator’s classification—staff, faculty, and students. Those submitting a nomination are directed to identify the group he or she belongs to, and to select from the list of university awards for which he or she is eligible. If a nomination is submitted for an award outside an eligible category, that nomination will not be considered.

Award winners will be announced at the Lehigh Appreciation Dinner for faculty and staff on Tuesday, May 3, 2011.
There are a number of changes to this year’s awards process. They include:

  • Nominations submitted for University Awards will be considered for a three-year period. Nominees who are not chosen for their respective awards will be reconsidered for two more years and nominators will be given the opportunity each year to update or withdraw their nomination.
  • Faculty and staff are no longer eligible to receive any University Award for two consecutive years along with the eligibility restrictions that apply for certain awards.
  • The eligibility criteria for the Alfred Noble Robinson Award for Faculty have been revised. Nominees for this award must be employed full-time by Lehigh University in teaching, research, or any combination of these and in at least the second year of such employment. Nominees must be below the rank of associate professor or its equivalent. There is no longer an age restriction for the Robinson Faculty Award.

Nominations received after Feb. 16, 2011 will be considered for next year’s awards program. Nominations may be submitted online on the University Awards website.

This website contains details about how to nominate individuals, previous winners, criteria, and other important information. Questions about the University Awards program and process can be directed to Kelli Oliver at (610) 758-5923.