Selected Media Coverage: November 15/2007

USA Today, 11/4/2007
SUV with mind of its own wins robot car race

A widely-distributed Reuters article mentions a driver-less vehicle designed by engineering students from the University of Pennsylvania and Lehigh, which excelled in a robot car race sponsored by the U.S. Department of Defense.


National Public Radio, 10/27/2007
Talk of the Nation

In an op-ed, Henri Barkey, the Cohen professor of international relations, discusses the implications of Turkey's possible cross border military operations in Iraq against the PKK.


Bloomberg News, 10/30/2007
Office Depot Shares Plunge Following Earnings Delay

Paul Brown, dean of the College of Business and Economics, explains that Office Depot may have to provide a restatement of their financials as a result of earlier misreported information.


New York Times, 11/7/2007
Aiding the Environment, A Nanostep at a Time

Wei-xian Zhang, assistant professor of civil and environmental engineering and a pioneer in the field of green nanotechnology, talks about the environmental benefits of nanoparticles.


Other highlights of Lehigh in the News from this month include:

  • Barkey offers further insight into the Turkey / PKK conflict with The Washington Post and Reuters.
  • Ted Morgan, distinguished university professor of political science, talks about the media’s coverage of racial issues with The Washington Post.
  • Amardeep Singh, assistant professor of English, talks about Louisiana governor-elect Bobby Jindal in The Washington Post.
  • University chaplain Lloyd Steffen discusses pagan holidays with the Associated Press.

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