The sweet smell of victory


Take a sniff.

You smell that? That’s tradition, baby! That’s Lehigh!

It’s cleats digging up the turf. It’s that crisp winter smell, coming at you hard like the Lehigh defensive line. It’s our gorgeous campus, turned golden glowing with autumn foliage. It’s the sweet, smoky aroma of Spirit Week Bonfire, a tradition reinvigorated this year by our Association of Student Alumni.

It’s the menthol smell of the extra-strength muscle cream I’m using this morning, after LUAA’s ill-advised Bed Race entry. The tradition is back (in a modified “drag race” version) and we wanted to be a part of it—I’m not exactly sure anymore why we couldn’t just cheer. We finished with a respectable two wins and two losses, but we’re paying the price...

It’s a great time of year for alumni to get connected! If you’re close by, come back this Saturday to watch the football team kick some Leopard butt. If you’re further-flung, put on your brown and white and join a Telecast Party near you—we’ve got 59 of them going on around the country, with thousands of alumni planning to attend.

We’ve got a lot to be thankful for here at LUAA this season—not least, the support we get from all of you. I want to make sure that you feel a part of the exciting goings-on here at Lehigh this time of year, because it’s the generations of rich Lehigh tradition that make Spirit Week such an invigorating celebration of what it means to be Brown and White. Stay connected, engaged and involved—and wherever you are, help us cheer the team to victory!

--Chris Marshall
Alumni Director

November 2007